Scholarships & Loans Guidance


Pursuing the Undergraduate or Masters Degree could be a far-away dream for some students in the wake of hiked fee structure and other costs involved. In such a scenario, several universities hold scholarships for meritorious students. But the point here is that students find themselves in a FIX, i.e., not able to figure out how to apply for scholarships. That is when the assistance of certified education consultants is required. Our team understands the procedure of scholarship application and brings you the right knowledge from Indian and overseas universities. That is when the students can learn that their higher education dreams could become a blossoming reality.

Loan Guidance

If you’re planning your higher education then you would understand how expensive it can be. But the expenses on education should be seen as investment as they build your future at the best place. On this account, you should seek out for financial assistance from banks and other financial institutions. In this manner, you can study and keep aside the financial worries. The various plans of Education Loans can fit your requirement and make you get the most out of them. You should consider this carefully, because money once borrowed from the banks can be returned on the completion of your course, but your time won’t come back. This is the thought some students miss on, and forget their higher education goals; but one should not.

Forex Assistance

The currency rates keep differing by the passing day due to a lot many reasons. We help you get the currency exchanged at the best available rates in the market. The students can save on money, and spend it on their education abroad.

For further queries and guidance, we are here for you. Write to us at