Psychometric Testing

Psychometric tests for school students are generally Stream Selector Tests that help them understand their aptitude, interests and personality better. The certified career counsellors examine the tests statistically and give unbiased opinions on the career move a given student should make. The move could mean, selecting a given stream in the high school, the one for which the student is seen the most capable. With the guidance of the counsellors, students can select their subjects and give a great start to their goal-planning.

Who Can Give a Psychometric Test?

Anyone can give a psychometric test, as there is no age limit. But having said that, the earlier - the better. Else, the students could keep guessing what they want to be in their lives for many years, only to realise that they wasted a lot of time already. Having said that, the thought that “it’s never too late to begin the right thing.” So never feel hesitant to know what you are best at.

Is there any marking scheme also?

There’s no marking scheme or competition in this test. It is for one’s understanding and know-how of one’s talents, skills, aptitude and nature. Given these points, this test is also regarded as an Aptitude Test. There is no failing or passing this exam, because it helps identify one’s cognitive skills and thought patterns. Also, there are questions asked in the test regarding one’s own preferences when it comes to contemplating the career goals or plans of the students. For instance, a student might feel close to a number of careers. Starting from sports, to aeronautics, to biology. The students can number their career preferences accordingly.

Why take this test?

It is the case with many students as they feel likeness for a number of tasks in their secondary school, that they fail to realize, which career would be best suited for them. So, this test can help students’ FOCUS in one direction and not get lost between multiple routes.